Naruto's Generation

Naruto's Generation
the transition from old Konoha to the next generation of Konoha, talented in different ways, all serve the same purpose to protect their village!!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


It has been a while since i posted anything up but lately as some of you may or may not know Naruto is going through a dry spell, where the show is just spilling out fillers -__-. I know it really stinks when you read the manga and then you see that show is really far behind.Well to give you an update on the what the fillers have been about since that's all they really have been airing, they have been showing missions about Naruto, they are showing us how much he has grown since then. For example the filler from last week was about how he acted towards the new formed alliance with Gaara's land, Village Hidden in the Sand. It shows how much Gaara had changed since the Chunin exams and their last encounter. If some remember, he was evil and twisted filled with hate confusion which triggered his Beast to take over his body and fought against Naruto.

Now he returns into the basic ranks of his village's army and must now work his way back up the ladder to work in special units like he used to.In the episode Naruto shows us once again why we can't but love the guy he is, the elders in the Sand village weren't pleased with Gaara's transformation, and were scared so they sent mercenary and assassination ninja to kill Gaara. Without giving it a second thought Naruto along with his sensei, Kaksahi and the rest of his team tend to his rescue. They saved Gaara, and he saved the other two men who were his teammates, this showed us the beginning of Gaara's new personality as a kinder human being and less demented ninja that we met from the first season.

Oh by the way everyone this is the last week of fillers I took the liberty of looking it up on, and on their blog they said it would be the last filler!!! Thank goodness one more filler and i was about to go insane.. So now starting tonight I will be updating this more and more frequently as we can move on with our lives and the series haha.

If anyone is wondering what the next anime convention is, the next one will be in Boston next March. It is one of the biggest conventions around next to Connecticut and Baltimore!!! Hope to see you guys there I;m still deciding whether i want to be a Jonin, or if i want to be a main character. Suggestions please!!!

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