Naruto's Generation

Naruto's Generation
the transition from old Konoha to the next generation of Konoha, talented in different ways, all serve the same purpose to protect their village!!

Monday, November 15, 2010

CH 513 Kabuto V.s. the Tsuchikage, the first fight to start the Ninja War!!!

 THE NINJA WAR HAS BEGUN AND THE FIRST MOVE HAS BEEN MADE BY THE ENEMY!!! The first to strike is a duo made up of Kabuto and a resurrected Deidara, who was killed by Sasuke in a battle. How is it that he is alive?? Well in the manga they tell us that Kabuto had perfected a resurrection jutsu that had been passed down to him by Orochimaru before his demise. But look at Kabuto he has scales and is starting to take the form of what looks like a snake.. Hmmm I think someone is trying to make a comeback, the guy has a snake in his robe! 

Last time we saw him in any real action was during the first season of Shippuden where they tried to find Sasuke but failed. Now he reappears as an ALLY to Madara Uchiha but not even Madara can see through his plans. He claims that he just wants to help and be allowed to experiment on the Tailed Beasts when its all over simple enough. But Madara knows that when anything involves Orochimaru nothing is simple there is always something new with him, always a hidden motive, now the key is to find out what...

A fairly interesting chapter overall, I’m glad Kishi (the author of the manga) decided to move ahead full steam with the current arc and get straight to the action we want to see. I previously had the notion that all of Kabuto’s undead summons would be mindless zombies, but Deidara demonstrated this chapter that the summons still have their abilities (although likely not as powerful as the original) as well as their personalities intact. Basically, this means we might get to see all the dead Akatsuki members again – I’m real interested in what undead Itachi and Nagato would be like.

Looks like Tsuchikage is coming to help out Naruto and the others despite his bad back. Sadly, we won’t be seeing a Gaara vs Deidara rematch – although it’s out of character for the current Gaara, I still think deep inside he wants some payback against Deidara for putting his friends and his villagers’ lives at risk when he attacked his village. Not that I don’t want to see Tsuchikage in action, being the oldest of the current kages I think he has the most battle experience and jutsu knowledge to make any opponent rethink their strategy. We saw a small glimpse of what the Tsuchikage can do during Sasuke’s attack on the kage summit, and I think his gravity powers have a lot of us interested as there is nothing like it in the Naruverse thus far. The ability to fly without any kind of mount or support is a powerful one, and Tsuchikage may have a monopoly on it since we haven’t seen it used by any shinobi before (Gaara’s floating sand is kind of like a mount), even other shinobi from Tsuchigakure. I don’t think Deidara has a chance in this battle, heck it might have been the Tsuchikage who taught him most of his abilities. The best we can hope for is a little more information being revealed about Deidara’s history with his home village.Kabuto must have been really busy ever since Orochimaru got pwned. Not only did he manage to upgrade the Edo Tensei, but also clone a Godzilla-sized Manda clone as well. This is one kid Kakashi probably wished he would have killed during their first encounter because he’s got as much h4x0rz potential as Madara. I also liked the fact that Kabuto decided to give his undead summons more autonomy than Orochimaru did. By giving them semi-free will, the zombie Akatsuki can be more effective by fighting more like their living counterpart. However, I don’t know if Kabuto would want to grant the same privileges to undead summons of Itachi or Nagato though.

I’m not sure how Kabuto is planning on beating Naruto and Killer Bee, not to mention bypassing the Konoha ninja protecting them. So far Kabuto hasn’t really shown any upgraded fighting powers personally to make us think he has any chance against two Jinchuuriki, so he’ll definitely need to rely on tricks and pull out a heavy hitter like Pain or Itachi to have any chance. But then again, his intention may not be to fight at all. It’s suspicious that someone as egomaniacal as him would aid Madara in any way unless it was for his own benefit. And I don’t think Kabuto would willingly risk his life fighting against Naruto and the others unless there was someone/something he needed to acquire here. Kabuto did mention that he wanted to experiment on Yamato, so maybe his focus isn't Naruto this time around. Why do I get the feeling that whatever it is, Kabuto is going to win this fight?

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